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Brian Annen
Title / Literacy Coordinator
Middle School
Heather Augustine-Arndt
7th Grade ELA
Middle School
Michelle Baumann
Middle School
Annie Berg
Middle School
Nona Berkovitz
Middle School
Amber Binney
Physical Education
Middle School
Anne Bootz
7th Grade Science Teacher
Middle School
Katie Charles
6th Grade Math
Middle School
Miranda Charles
Physical Education
Middle School
Carissa Crawford
Special Education
Middle School
Mary Derrig
Middle School
Matthew DeGuelle
8th Grade Social Studies
Middle School
Andrea Drouse
5th Grade Writing
Middle School
Ryan Fitz
Music Education
Middle School
Stacy Graf
5th Grade ELA
Middle School
Sarah Gregory
7th Grade Math
Middle School
Stephanie Hedsand
8th Grade ELA
Middle School
Hanna Herland
Occupational Therapist
Middle School
Lindsey Hudson
High School Principal
Middle School
Leah Jarocki
Title/ Literacy Coordinator
Middle School