KSD educational options


As required by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55, school districts are required to publish a description of educational options available to children residing in the district, including public schools, private schools participating in parental choice program, charter schools, virtual schools, full-time open enrollment, Youth Options program, Course Options and options available for home-based private educational program students.  The notice must also include the most recent performance category assigned to each school within the school district boundaries and the district accountability report on the District's internet site. Educational Options Provided by the District - Board Policy 2370

  • Kewaunee Elementary School - PreK-5

  • Kewaunee Middle School - Grades 6-8

  • Kewaunee High School - Grades 9-12

 Virtual School Options - http://dpi.wi.gov/sms?old=sms.dpi.wi.gov/sites/default/files/imce/sms/pdf/cs_2015_VirtualSchs.pdf

You may also visit the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction's website for a link on educational options:  http://dpi.wi.gov/ed-options