Kewaunee High School provides counseling services for the purpose of advising students for high school and their post-secondary plans. The school counselor assists with services.
Focused on a student's time as a KHS student including:
Providing guidance and counseling to students concerning academic and/or social/emotional well-being
Conferencing with teachers and parents/guardians
Modifying student schedules
Enrolling new students
Providing counseling referrals and coordinating with local social service agencies
Focused on planning for the student's future including:
Coordinating the standardized testing program
Providing vocational, college, and scholarship information
Coordinating college and technical school visits to KHS
Assisting students interested in part-time employment
Career Exploration
College Testing
College Search
High School Counselor:
Steve Meyer
920-388-2951 ext. 454
Transcript Request Request for transcript from a KHS Graduate by completing this form and faxing, mailing or emailing it to KHS.
2025-2026 KHS Educational Guide Course descriptions and educational plans
Bullying Report Form Used to report harassment or bullying